Blue-Ray Versus HD DVD
Another advantage of using a Blu-Ray enabled player is that it enables a 36Mbps data transfer rate and MPEG-2 Transport Stream. If all that techno-speak makes your eyes glaze over, translated into practical terms, this means HDTV owners can record their favorite broadcast without any quality loss.
When it comes to the future of video formats, Blu-Ray is not the only whale in the fish tank. Remember the days of VHS versus Betamax? Customers didn't know which type of machine to buy while that battle raged. In a similar scenario, backers of the Blu-Ray (Sony, Panasonic, Dell, Disney) and HD DVD (Toshiba,
Due to the conflict between both the two camps, content owners are divided as well. That means you have to be careful when you buy or rent a movie. Is it in DVD, Blu-Ray or HD DVD format? And which discs will work in your player?
Blu-Ray technology is poised to change the digital world. But Blu-Ray may flop in the marketplace, just like Betamax, even though it was regarded as technically superior. My advice is to stick with plain old DVDs for a while. Let the technology and entertainment behemoths duke it out, and hopefully we'll end up with a winner (or a compromise) in the next year or so.
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